Day 5: Let’s Get Real

How Will You Make It Happen?


Today, we want to strategize about how to make your film happen in reality. What are you actually ready and able to do to be fully aligned with your focus next year?

Doing & Being

What will you do - and how will you be next year? Let's start with a brainstorming. What are possible activities that would have to happen in reality in your focus area next year? You could think along the lines of strategic action as well as daily habits to develop. But "doing" is not the only thing that matters. It is also important to know how you intend to be. What are the qualities of being that you need to cultivate to be aligned with your focus? To give you an idea, qualities of being could be patience, curiosity, courage, fierceness, sincerity, compassion - or many others.

Who are you going to hang out with? Personally, I found that one very effective way to "do the doing" and "be the being" is that I seek to be close to people who do what I want to do and are how I want to be. So, who are the people who make your kind of stuff happen? Who do you want to be close to? How could you connect to them? When and how will you reach out? You could think of people and places you already know, and also of people and places that inspire you and you want to get to know next year.

Tomorrow, it's time to roll up your sleeves!