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Get Your Workbook And A Buddy

It Works Better Together


I designed this workbook so that you can collect all your notes from this course in one place. Please download and print it so that you have it ready on the first day of the course. 

Over seven years of running the Begin Anew courses, I have learnt that people who work with a buddy have more powerful insights than those who do it alone. They are also more likely to complete the course. And I hear that many people do this journey with loved ones and that it deepens their connection. So: I recommend that you find yourself one or several buddies for this journey.

A buddy is a friend, family member or a colleague whom you can meet (or call) and with whom you can share what you are learning about yourself in this course. 

A really good buddy listens with an open and non-judgmental heart and doesn‘t give advice (oooh… so hard!). You could talk to your buddy every day, once during the course, or you could reserve some time after the course has ended - it all works. Whatever is feasible for you will be good enough and the right thing to do.

So, step one of the Begin Anew journey is to reach out to someone now and ask for company.

Done? Ok, you are all set now. Let’s go!