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Day 2: The Inside Story

How Do You Feel?

Art Work by Martin Whatson


Today, we are going to take a look behind the curtains of your film. What did your inner life look like throughout the past year? What was it like to be you?

How Do You Feel?

Going back to the circle you worked on yesterday (pages 2 and 3 of your Begin Anew workbook), you can now tune into what your inner world looked like and take your notes on the inside of the circle. How do the events of this past year make you feel? What are the emotions that come up with the key events? What was the atmosphere in which the main character of your film lived? And most importantly, what does this year feel like in your body right now?

Make Peace

Is there anything you need to do to let this year go in peace? A difficult truth to be acknowledged and revealed? A painful experience to be soothed? Anything you’d rather not do? Then that’s probably it. Let‘s go do it. Your future self will be thankful that you did.

Help From Your Buddy

Reaching out to your buddy could be helpful today. Maybe they could celebrate with you something that gave you joy this year. Or maybe they could help you grieve or bury something that you need to let go of?

Tomorrow, you are going to be the director of the film of your next year. To start with, we will take a deep dive into magic Wonderland!